Delicious orange easter cake

Bakery products

Delicious Orange Easter Cake

Found in the bins a little forgotten, my beloved, very tasty orange cake. Although Easter has already passed, you can’t forbid cooking tasty and original! Such an appetizing, bright orange aroma that you want to eat it raw when it is still in the oven. But having tasted the first piece of a ready-made orange Easter cake, you thank God for letting it stand and enjoy a truly amazing taste. Soon the funeral days are another reason to bake a delicious Easter cake. And how to cook it with orange zest and juice, I will step by step sign for "I like to cook." Since my family has a sweet tooth, I bake at least 1 kilogram of flour, but you can adapt the recipe to your needs, proportionally changing the number of products.


  • raisins, dried berries, candied fruits - 150 grams;
  • flour - 0.9-1 kilograms;
  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • oil - 150 grams;
  • pressed yeast - 40 grams;
  • milk - 135 milliliters;
  • sugar - 225 grams;
  • oranges - 450-350 grams;
  • large lemon - 1 piece;
  • vanilla sugar - 10-20 grams;
  • cognac or rum - 1-1.5 tablespoons (optional);
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • colored sprinkling - optional;
  • icing sugar for protein fudge - 50-60 grams.

Very tasty orange Easter cake. Step by step recipe

  1. For dough: pressed yeast finely chopped, pour in slightly warmed milk, pour in vanilla and regular sugar (1-2 tablespoons of the total volume), stir with a whisk until completely dissolved.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons of sifted flour, stir. If your lumps do not disperse - do not worry, they will disperse during fermentation. We put the bowl covered with cling film in heat: for about 1-1.5 hours.
  3. We prepare fruits: with a fine grater, remove the zest from 1 large or 1.5 medium oranges and lemon (rinse them first and pat them dry with a towel). Please note: remove only the top, brightest layer of citrus, as the white skin will be bitter.
  4. We transfer the finished zest of two types of fruit into a deep bowl, pour out the remaining sugar and grind with a pusher to make all the essential oils open and soak into sugar.
  5. Squeeze the juice from oranges - we need 240 milliliters.
  6. In eggs with grated zest we drive in eggs (3 whole and 3 yolks, and proteins are needed for lubrication and glaze), add salt, cognac (rum) and orange juice. Stir everything well with a whisk.
  7. In the egg-citrus mixture, add the suitable dough, melted cooled oil, mix everything with a spatula or whisk.
  8. Pour the mixture of liquid ingredients into a bowl with sifted flour and mix with a spatula. As a result, you will get a semi-liquid dough. It needs to be well kneaded (in time it will take 3-5 minutes).
  9. We cover the bowl with the dough with cling film and leave for 1-1.5 hours to rise. During this time, the dough will increase 2.5-3 times.
  10. We crumble the approached dough (it will be very soft, directly airy) and leave again to come up (do not forget to cover with a film or a linen towel).
  11. Lubricate baking dishes with vegetable oil.
  12. Prepare dried fruits in advance: rinse, fill with water for 15-20 minutes, and then dry on a paper towel. If you have large dried fruits and candied fruits, you can chop them a little.
  13. Before filling the forms, pour the dried fruits with candied fruit into the dough, mix, lay the forms on ⅓ part with the dough and leave for another half hour to come.
  14. Shake the squirrels slightly and grease the top of the cakes with them.
  15. Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees and bake Easter cakes for 40-60 minutes. If the top begins to bake heavily, then cover them with moist parchment paper.
  16. Large cakes are cooled on the pillow, and small ones (10-15 minutes) are kept in shape and transferred to the grill.
  17. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to the remaining proteins and beat, gradually adding powdered sugar. The result should be a beautiful, stable foam.
  18. We cover the cooled orange cakes with protein glaze, and on top you can decorate with orange slices or colored sprinkles.

Our delicious, fragrant Easter cake with orange is ready! The dough is tender, lush, a pleasant citrine is felt in the taste. You know, it is so tasty that it can be cooked (in the form of a cake) at least every day, and not just for Easter and memorial days. Instead of dried fruits and candied fruits, I tried to add chocolate chips, cooked with pieces of marmalade - my family appreciated such a creative. Prepare original and delicious dishes with “I love to cook”

Enjoy your meal!