Healthy candies made from dried fruits and nuts

Bakery products

Healthy candies made from dried fruits and nuts

Do not believe it, but sweets are also useful: especially if these are sweets from dried fruits and nuts, made with your own hands. Such dishes are ideal for people who are watching their figure. This is a storehouse of vitamins and a source of energy: because they are simply indispensable for athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle. Yes, and simply useful: both for adults and for children - after all, handmade candies contain only natural nuts and dried fruits.


  • dried apricots or dried apricots - 250 grams;
  • raisins light and dark - 200 grams;
  • dried prunes - 250 grams;
  • walnuts - 200 grams;
  • coconut flakes - 80 grams.

Useful candies from dried fruits and nuts. Step by step recipe

In order to make homemade sweets from dried fruits and nuts, we need a food processor or a blender. Or, as a last resort - an ordinary meat grinder.

  1. First you need to prepare all dried fruits: that is, first soak in cold water, rinse thoroughly in running water, then scald with boiling water and dry with a towel. Dry the nuts a little in the oven.

Tip. The more beautiful the dried fruits look, the more likely they are to contain chemicals (sour gas or sulphurous anhydride). It is he who helps to keep dried fruits such a beautiful appearance and not deteriorate: because it is a preservative. I recommend buying dark dried apricots: it is harder than usual and may be with small spots on the skin. Most likely, such dried apricots were dried without additional chemical treatment.

  1. We beat the nuts in a blender until the formation of nut crumbs. You can take any nuts for homemade sweets that you like: hazelnuts, almonds, cashews. But first, all the nuts need to be well dried and peeled

Tip. It will be easier to remove the husks of almonds if they are first dipped in boiling water for a few minutes, then strain in a colander and remove the skin with your hands. But then you need to immediately lower it into cold water so that the almond kernels do not change color. And only after that can be dried in the oven.

  1. We grind the remaining dried fruits in the same way: raisins, dried apricots and prunes. For a recipe for healthy homemade sweets, prunes choose one that does not smell like smoke. Indeed, most likely, manufacturers use liquid smoke, which will not bring benefits - and the aroma will interrupt the natural smell of sweets.

In general, for this candy recipe, you can use those dried and dried fruits and berries that you like: for example, pitted dates, figs or cherries.

  1. You can add a third of lemon to dried fruits if they are too sweet. Or, conversely, a few spoons of honey - if you feel sourness.
  2. All components of the recipe for sweets prepared at home should be thoroughly mixed with half of the coconut flakes. We get a viscous, plastic mass. We form small sweets in the form of balls or pyramids. You can put nuts or almonds inside each candy.
  3. We sweat sweets in coconut and put on a dish: to dry a little.

Healthy candies can be swept in poppy, cocoa powder or nut crumbs - this will make the sweets made from dried fruits and nuts with their own hands more diverse and better in taste. And what other useful sweets for your family you can make from nuts and dried fruits, you can find out by looking at our website “I Love Cooking”.