Heart cake

Bakery products

Heart cake

A heart-shaped cake is the perfect gift for a loved one on February 14th. As you already know, the custom of giving sweet gifts made in the shape of a heart came to us from England. Making a heart-shaped cake without a special baking dish is not so difficult. How? I'll tell you now.


  • one finished rectangular biscuit cake;
  • one ready-made round cake sponge cake;
  • chocolate fudge from the recipe for the “Drunk Cherry” cake recipe;
  • cognac infused with cherries.

Cake in the form of a heart. Step by step recipe

  1. We will need two molds: round and rectangular. The round shape should be 22 centimeters in diameter (this is the best option, if you take a larger size, then you will have to increase the amount of impregnation).
  2. Square or rectangular baking sheet (you can take a non-removable, ordinary).
  3. Baked cakes can be of different heights (it is difficult to guess with the amount of dough poured into each form). But this is not scary. We can align them.
  4. We bake cakes according to the recipe for the “Drunken Cherry” cake (see the link for their step-by-step preparation below). And now we will learn how to make a cake in the shape of a heart from cake without having a special shape.
  5. We divide the baked round cake into two equal parts (it is better to use a ruler). The cut cake is measured using a ruler from edge to edge.
  6. From a rectangular cake we make a square, with a side of 21 centimeters (again, use a ruler and make markings with a knife). Cut off the extra hour. Important: it is better to work with cakes (especially if they are biscuit), baked in advance so that they have time to lay down. (Because they will become hot while working with them scabbling and malleable). We cut the cake from only two sides, leave the other two untouched.
  7. We turn the square cake with the cut slices up (it should take the shape of a rhombus). We turn untouched sides to ourselves - this will be the bottom of our heart.
  8. We put the second sheet of parchment with semicircular shapes and form a heart (for details, see how to do it correctly, you can on the YouTube channel video located under the recipe description).
  9. We cut each part of the biscuit in half and saturate with cherry juice infused with cognac: lightly, the cakes should not be wet. Stuffing (the recipe uses the filling for the “Drunken Cherry” cake, see the link for its preparation below, but you can take the recipe for absolutely any cake - which you like best), divide into three cakes and put on each half.
  10. If you have cakes of the same height, you can skip the next step. But this is not always the case. When the cakes do not match in height, we take the following steps.
  11. Pieces cut from a rectangular biscuit, cut into strips with a width of about 1 centimeter (thinner possible). We spread them on a square cake, cut off the excess.
  12. With a small amount of cream, tighten the cake on top to level it.
  13. We connect the halves, squeeze and turn over with a spatula.
  14. We put the cakes in the cake as it will look ideal (in finished form).
  15. To make the cakes stick together, coat the trimmed edges with chocolate fudge (for how to cook it, see the “Drunken Cherry” cake recipe).
  16. We glue exactly all the halves, the uncircumcised edges should remain outside.
  17. Coat the whole cake with fondant. You can decorate as you wish.

If guests are on the doorstep and you don’t have time to bake, you can collect a heart-shaped cake from round and square waffle cakes using any impregnation (chocolate, milk, condensed milk). It will take you just a few minutes. We used in the description the recipe for making the “Drunken Cherry” cake, available on the “I Love Cooking” portal. And be sure to try the cake "Red Velvet" - delicious, delicate and so festive.