The best three-ingredient ice cream

Bakery products

The best three-ingredient ice cream

Summer - it's time to freshen up and try the best natural ice cream made with just three ingredients! This is amazing - such a real creamy taste can not be found in any store ice cream! In addition, it can be given to children without fear (control the temperature yourself): after all, there are no stabilizers and thickeners in it. And most of all, it is striking that such yummy can be prepared using familiar, easily accessible products: and without any effort - the recipe is absolutely simple! I invite you to join “Very Delicious” to make incomparable homemade ice cream for yourself and your loved ones!


  • condensed milk - 100-200 grams;
  • fat cream (not less than 30%) - 200 milliliters;
  • liquid vanilla extract (vanillin, vanilla sugar) - 1 teaspoon;
  • any chocolate (bar) - 80 grams.

The best ice cream of the three ingredients. Step by step recipe

  1. Cream must be cooled in advance. Beat with a mixer at medium speed until lush, thick peaks.
  2. Tip: cream must be fat, otherwise they will not beat. Also, during whipping, do not overdo it so that they do not turn into oil (in this case, the mass exfoliates into serum and oil).
  3. Add condensed milk to the cream. Those who like very sweet can add 1: 1 (cream and condensed milk) in a proportion, but as for me, this is too sweet. My opinion: 100-125 grams will be enough, in extreme cases, it can be added. Therefore, do not rush to immediately pour out the full amount of condensed milk.
  4. Add vanilla extract. It can be replaced with vanillin - 2 grams, or vanilla sugar - 10 grams.
  5. Whip with a mixer at low speed - the mass will become like sour cream.
  6. We pour the mass into special plastic molds for ice cream (they can be bought at the tableware stores). If you do not have molds, then paper coffee cups are suitable for freezing. (It is advisable not to use disposable plastic cups for freezing, since their composition is not fully known).
  7. If you have an ice cream at home, then before filling out the molds, scroll for 5-7 minutes the creamy mass in the ice cream maker. From this, it will become more magnificent, and already prepared ice cream more tender, without ice grains.
  8. To make homemade ice cream with chocolate icing, melt the chocolate in a water bath. You can use any (milk, black or white), according to your desire.
  9. Pour melted chocolate into a glass and slowly roll it so that the icing is evenly distributed over the entire inner surface. The remaining chocolate is poured back into a bowl for the next cup. If the chocolate mass in the bowl is thick enough, then it can be slightly warmed up in a water bath.
  10. In order for the icing to solidify evenly, we put the cups turned upside down first on the wire rack, for 3-4 minutes - this will allow the excess to drain and solidify the chocolate mass.
  11. After we remove the glasses in the freezer for 2-3 minutes, so that the icing becomes hard.
  12. Fill the cups with chocolate with a creamy vanilla mass, lightly tap the bottom on the table so that the mass for future ice cream is evenly distributed in the mold. At the end, insert the stick (instead, you can use wooden stirrers for coffee or chopsticks for sushi).
  13. We remove the ice cream in the freezer at night. In the morning, slightly cut a paper cup and gently pull out the finished ice cream. If you used special plastic molds, then dip them in hot water for 1 minute - and easily get a delicious ice cream.

So easy and simple, we made a delicious creamy ice cream at home: and all of three products! Immediately start eating it, as it is known that homemade ice cream melts very quickly. Not a dessert, but a fairy tale! If desired, you can diversify with various fillers - raisins, nuts, chocolate chips, pieces of fruit and so on. From this it will become even tastier! Bon appetit along with "Very tasty"!