The fastest chocolate meringue cookies

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The fastest Chocolate Meringue cookies

Airy, tender, light and crunchy, these are all the fastest Chocolate Meringue cookies. How often do unused proteins remain in your refrigerator? There is a great way and idea how to apply them and get a great treat as a result. Favorite by many since childhood, air biscuits have received a huge number of variations to date. And not in vain: today we bring to your attention the fastest recipe - meringue with dark chocolate. He will slightly dilute the sugary sweet taste, add chocolate notes - and the result will be a truly subtle and delicate delicacy. A chocolate layer gives a festive look and taste to homemade meringue. Let's start cooking.


  • chicken proteins - 2 pieces;
  • sugar sand - 100 grams;
  • dark chocolate - 50 grams;
  • any chocolate (for connecting cookies) - 30 grams;
  • a pinch of salt.

The fastest Chocolate Meringue cookies. Step by step recipe

  1. If you do not have ready-made proteins, then separate them from the yolks. Do this carefully so that not a gram of yolk gets into the protein mass.
  2. Rub the bitter dark chocolate on a fine grater.
  3. Pour the proteins of room temperature into a clean and dry bowl, which we will beat with a mixer. We will start with small revolutions, then increase to maximum. As the foam appears, add a pinch of salt. Beat for about a minute: you should have a large fluffy foam.
  4. Now add a little bit of sugar to the foam. I put half a tablespoon without stopping whipping. Also, do not rush to add it in large portions. Sugar needs to be given time to dissolve: it will then stabilize the protein foam. Over time, the mass will become more dense, smooth and shiny. It took me 15 minutes.
  5. To check whether the protein mass is ready, you need to take a couple of grams on a finger and rub it with the other finger. If you don’t feel the sugar grains, then you did everything right.
  6. Now add grated chocolate to the resulting mass. Mix lightly with a few movements. The main thing is not to interfere for a long time so that the squirrels do not settle.
  7. The mass is immediately transferred to a pastry bag. Although, if you do not have it, you should not drop everything and run to the store. You can use the tools at hand. Well, firstly, you can use the file. Secondly, even a plastic bag will do. Cut one corner of it: a cut of one centimeter.
  8. Place the meringues on a baking sheet pre-parchment paper. Bake in a preheated to 160 * C oven for 30-40 minutes.
  9. My family loves crispy cookies, so I bake it a little longer: about 40 minutes. And if you want it to be viscous inside, reduce the time to 30 minutes. Also, baking time will depend on the size of the cookies.
  10. Remember that the first 20 minutes the oven should not be opened.
  11. We put the finished cookies to cool on a wire rack. It should be light, crispy and easily fall behind the paper. It can be left already in this form, but can be combined in pairs with butter cream or melted chocolate.
  12. While it cools, let's do chocolate. Melt it in a water bath at a minimum temperature. When half is melted, remove from the stove, begin to actively mix chocolate with a spatula, thereby bringing it to the desired uniform consistency. Chocolate should be at room temperature.
  13. Now we spread one cookie and combine it with another (one size), squeeze a little. Put it gently on a dish. Then we remove the meringue dish in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes to completely freeze the chocolate.

Ready cookies right from the refrigerator can be served on the table: it is incredibly sweet, dark chocolate perfectly dilutes the rich sweetness. Eating such airy cookies is just a pleasure. Make unsweetened tea or coffee - and call everyone to the table. It is better to store meringues in an airtight container or plastic bag. Be sure to make such a sweet at home: please yourself, loved ones and guests. The team of the site “Very Delicious” wishes you a pleasant appetite!