Amazing cakes with cottage cheese and herbs

Simple dish

Amazing cakes with cottage cheese and herbs

I suggest you cook amazing cakes with cottage cheese and herbs today. If you looked at my site on the site, you already know how I like to cook various cakes. By the way, every housewife adds something of their own to the preparation, and the filling can easily change. Tortillas with cottage cheese are fragrant, amazing, incredibly delicious and baked in a dry pan, which is more useful! The recipe for kefir cakes is very convenient for those who cook such dishes for the first time, in addition, you can watch a video recipe if you have questions. So, today I’m sharing a recipe on how to make chepalgash cakes.


  • kefir - 400 milliliters;
  • flour - 500 grams;
  • salt - 0.75 teaspoon;
  • soda - 0.75 teaspoon.
  • green onions (to the filling) - 100 grams;
  • cottage cheese (filling) - 500 grams;
  • egg (to the filling) - 1 piece;
  • salt (to the filling) - to taste;
  • pepper (topping) - to taste;
  • butter (for lubrication) - 70 grams;
  • boiling water.

Amazing cakes with cottage cheese and herbs. Step by step recipe

  1. We start making yogurt cakes with kefir. Rub the cottage cheese with a fork so that there are no lumps, otherwise they will not let the flat cakes roll out thinly. It is allowed to twist in a meat grinder.
  2. Now salt and pepper to taste, add one egg. Mix to a uniform distribution of the latter.
  3. Pre-wash well, dry with a towel. Cut very finely and mix with cottage cheese: the filling is ready. The ingredients are the same on hichina cakes.
  4. Divide the curd filling into ten parts, roll a ball from each. We remove so far to the side.
  5. Prepare a quick dough. We take warm kefir, mix with soda and immediately add salt. The mixture begins to bubble - this is normal. Soda is thus quenched.
  6. Next, add flour in several stages, knead the dough: it turns soft and sticky. Let us leave it with a cup to rest a little. By the way, if you do not want to get rubber cakes, do not knead the dough for a long time.
  7. After five to ten minutes, the dough, sprinkled with flour, is also divided into ten pieces. As a result, by volume, the dough with the filling is the same. And when the fillings are more than the dough, it turns out even tastier.
  8. All the pieces, dipped in flour and a little flattened, leave for a while: so it will be easier to roll out. Although it is possible immediately, as the dough is very soft and correct.
  9. We make some cakes. Put the filling in the middle. You need to fix the edges of the dough in the middle, leaving the filling inside without air.
  10. Having pressed fingers on a cake with a filling, we will make it more flat. Let's put aside, we’ll do a few more.
  11. Now we take the first cake and, using a rolling pin, carefully roll it out very thinly. From the center to the edge. Then roll the edges.
  12. Shake off the rest of the flour, fry all the cakes in a dry and heated frying pan: until brown, for a couple of minutes on each side. If the cake is inflated, then pierce with a fork. And fry on.
  13. Lubricate with melted butter: this method is typical for hichin. Fold in a pile.
  14. And to make the chepalgash softer, quickly dip them into hot water, then, stacking them in a pile, lubricate them with oil. So less oil is consumed, and excess flour is washed off. This method is peculiar to Chechen tortillas.

The most delicious kefir cakes at home are ready. Tortillas with cottage cheese in a pan are baked instantly. And it turns out delicious, satisfying and fragrant: try it for sure. Bon appetit and culinary victories with me and the site "Very tasty."