Apple pie filling

Simple dish

Apple Pie Filling

My grandmother prepared such apple filling for a pie. She recently shared this recipe with me. She wanted me to always come to her pies, so I didn’t tell her before. Grandma’s apple cakes are comparable only to bliss. The apple pie filling for the winter is always juicy, aromatic, not at all the same as from jam. And now I'm sharing with you a homemade recipe for apple pie filling.


  • Apples - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons.

Step-by-step recipe for apple pie filling for the winter

  1. Wash apples without stalks with cold water, dry, peel and core.
  2. Chopped apples or chop on a coarse grater (I recommend chopping in small cubes),
  3. Place the apple mass in a large pot or bowl, add sugar, put on fire and cook for 5 minutes from boiling, stirring occasionally.
  4. Arrange the hot mass in sterilized jars and roll up.

My grandmother also added poppyeretka with sugar to this apple pie filling and made buns on yeast dough, and in the oven. What a funky thing this is.

Delicious to you preparations, and bon appetit!