Currant syrup

Simple dish

Currant Syrup

Natural currant syrup can be used wherever your culinary fantasies allow. From currant syrup you can prepare various sauces, liquors, use it as a dressing for desserts. Currant syrup for the winter is very useful improves blood circulation, calms the heart rate, stimulates the work of the heart.


  • Natural juice from red or black currant - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kilograms.

Step by step recipe for currant syrup

  1. Knead currant berries peeled from branches and leaves in a large saucepan. Let stand 5-10 minutes to stand out juice.
  2. Filter the settled juice in an enamel pan, add sugar and heat over low heat with stirring until sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Filter the hot syrup through cheesecloth, heat again to 95 ° C, not bringing to a boil, pour into sterilized jars and roll up.
  4. Leave the cans to cool completely.

After cooling, the currant syrup is ready for use.

Do not be afraid of culinary experiments, good luck!