Delicious lean salad

Simple dish

Delicious lean salad

To prepare a delicious lean salad without spending a lot of time and finances on it is possible. Appetizer salad with potatoes and vegetables is healthy, insanely appetizing and tender. It will appeal to everyone: from small to large. An excellent combination of all ingredients gives the salad a divine taste. Such a dish with vegetables can be prepared both for everyday food and for the festive table. It is not only incredibly tasty, but also very useful.


  • potato;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • pickles;
  • marinated mushrooms;
  • sour cabbage;
  • bulb;
  • canned peas;
  • sugar;
  • unrefined vegetable oil;
  • fresh greens.

Salad with potatoes and vegetables. Step by step recipe

The amount of ingredients depends on what portion of lean salad you want to make, so you can increase or decrease the number of vegetables yourself.

  1. Take a couple of potatoes, wash well, peel and cut into strips (but not very thin so that the potatoes do not crush during frying).
  2. Heat the pan with vegetable oil well, put the chopped potatoes in it, add salt, black pepper and fry over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the potatoes are ready.
  3. Peel one onion (if you like a lot of onions in a salad, then take a couple of onions) to peel and thinly cut into half rings.
  4. For the salad, we need sauerkraut (I used sauerkraut with caraway seeds, but you can take the one that you have). But if you do not have sauerkraut and you do not know how to ferment it, then you can find the recipe on our website. Of course, you can buy such a cabbage in any supermarket, but homemade is much tastier.
  5. Cut pickles into half rings (I had pickles in a jar of garlic, so there was a delicious garlic flavor in the pickles, but you can also pickle them). I really like when there are a lot of cucumbers in the salad, so I take a large cucumber.
  6. Cut the pickled mushrooms (I have mushrooms, but any pickled mushrooms can be used for this salad. If the mushrooms are small, then do not cut them, let them be whole).
  7. Drain the juice from canned green peas.
  8. Now we will collect the salad, but do not forget: the amount of ingredients will depend on how many people you want to cook.
  9. In a salad bowl, combine: cabbage, onions, cucumbers, mushrooms, green peas, fried potatoes, add salt to taste, a little sugar (in the salad there are acidic foods) and season with oil. Mix everything well.
  10. Before serving, a vegetable salad can be sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs.

Advice: I would like to give you a little advice from myself. For example, pickled cucumbers are needed in a salad, and it often happens like this: you open a jar, take out one or a couple of cucumbers, and those cucumbers that remain in the jar in order to stand and not disappear should be slightly crushed with mustard powder on top.

Lenten portioned cabbage salad is ideal for a light breakfast, lunch or dinner. A simple and quick plate of cold snacks will decorate your table and delight your loved ones. This salad is unique in that if you currently do not have any one ingredient, then do it safely without it. For example, I don’t like green peas, and I really like this salad, so I often make a salad, but without peas.

I share the most delicious recipe for preparing a delicious vegetable salad on the portal "Very tasty." Come back often: I have a lot of interesting things for you that will pleasantly surprise you and your family.