Delicious miracle cakes with cottage cheese

Simple dish

Delicious miracle cakes with cottage cheese

Today I want to tell you how to cook delicious cakes a miracle with cottage cheese. Such magnificent cakes are easy to prepare, hearty, fragrant and very quickly disappear from the table. Hot cakes made of thin blush dough with delicious curd filling will appeal to everyone, without exception. They can be eaten as an independent dish, and if you still make garlic sauce, then you’ll lick your fingers. Join us and cook with us!


  • 300 grams of premium wheat flour;
  • water - one glass;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • cottage cheese - 250 grams;
  • two eggs (hard boiled);
  • green onions - one bunch;
  • one bunch of dill;
  • salt and black pepper to the filling - to your liking;
  • butter (to grease tortillas).

Very tasty lozenges with cottage cheese. Step by step recipe

  1. We send the wheat flour into a bowl, make a small depression in it and pour half a teaspoon of salt into it.
  2. Pour water in small portions and knead the dough with your hands. When the flour is gathered in a lump, then we go to knead on the table.
  3. The dough for cakes with cottage cheese should not be tight. It should be soft and elastic (it should turn out a little softer than dumplings).
  4. Round the dough and place in a convenient bowl. Cover it with a lid or towel and leave for half an hour.
  5. While the dough is resting, prepare the filling for the tortillas.
  6. Finely chop the greens (dill and green onions) with a knife.
  7. Optionally, green onions can be fried in butter.
  8. Put cottage cheese, chopped greens in a bowl.
  9. Peel the hard-boiled chicken eggs and cut them into small cubes.
  10. Sent in a bowl with cottage cheese.
  11. Add a pinch of black pepper, salt to taste and mix well. The filling is ready.
  12. Take the dough out of the bowl. Lightly sprinkle flour on the table.
  13. Roll out the dough into an oblong tourniquet and divide it with a knife into portioned pieces.
  14. From this amount of dough, I get five pieces.
  15. Round each piece of dough into a ball.
  16. Then we roll out a ball of dough, using a rolling pin, into a thin layer of round shape.
  17. Spread the filling on one half with a spoon and then cover it with the second half of the dough.
  18. We pinch the edges well. This can be done with your hands, or you can make it with a fork (it will be even more beautiful). If desired, the uneven edges of the cake can be cut off.
  19. We put a frying pan on a stove and heat it.
  20. We will fry very quick cakes with cottage cheese in an absolutely dry pan. The pan does not need to be lubricated.
  21. On a preheated pan, put one tortilla (they turn out quite large) and fry until a delicious brownish crust appears on both sides.
  22. If the cake inflates during the frying process, it can be pierced with a knife or fork to release air.
  23. Spread the finished cake with cottage cheese and green onions on a plate and grease liberally with butter while it is hot.
  24. We do this with all pieces of dough: and in turn fry all the cakes.

Hope you enjoyed this quick recipe for homemade tortillas. Such delicious cottage cheese cakes can be a great weekend breakfast. The team of the site “Very tasty” wishes you a pleasant appetite.