Delicious salad world snack

Simple dish

Delicious salad World snack

We all have days when we want to sit with friends and relax a bit. As a snack, everyone is accustomed to seeing herring, cucumbers, apples on the tables - the best snack. But, to be honest, she's already a little tired, I want something new. What do you think will happen if you combine the best appetizer in a salad? Get a world snack! Here we will prepare it now.


  • apple - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • salted cucumber - 2 pieces;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • herring - 1 piece;
  • mayonnaise and sour cream for sauce.

A delicious salad of world zakuson. Step cooking

  1. Take two eggs and set them to cook. We need hard-boiled eggs. To do this, put them in a pan, pour cold water, wait until it boils, and cook them for 10 minutes. When the eggs are ready, remove them from the heat and cover with cold water. To make the egg easier to clean, take it, lay it on the table, cover it with your palm on top and, pressing on it a little, roll it back and forth across the table surface. The egg shell should crack and split into two halves. So peeling an egg is very simple.
  2. Take an apple. It must be sour. Peel. You can use a knife for this. We take the apple in the non-working hand (if you are right-handed - in the left, left-handed - in the right) so that it only touches the palm a little. We press fingers on the surface and pierce the peel with a knife. Cut in a spiral, helping yourself with your thumb. Continue until all peel is removed. To make it easier to work, take a sharp knife. Just be careful not to cut yourself.
  3. When the apple is peeled, you need to cut it into small cubes. To do this, cut it first into rings, then into strips, and they are already cubed. Then we get neat, identical squares.
  4. Fold in a bowl.
  5. Now let's do the onion. It must be cleaned and washed. When cleaning, do not cut off the dry tail, due to this the cooking will take place without tears.
  6. Cut the onion as well as the apple into small cubes.
  7. Next, cut the cucumbers with the same cubes. Sent in a bowl.
  8. If the eggs are ready and cool, cut them with a knife or a special device for cutting eggs and place in the same container.
  9. Now take the herring. It needs to be washed and cut into fillets. To do this, you first need to cut off the fins. Then insert the knife under the tail and hold it to the head - tear the abdomen. We take out all the insides, cut off the head, wash the herring under running water. Now you need to incise the fish on both sides of the spine and carefully pull out the bones. If you have a private home, bury the bones in the garden. They are useful for plants.
  10. Cut the fish into small cubes. To do this, first cut into long stripes, and then cut them into cubes.
  11. Put everything in a bowl.
  12. Making the sauce. Mix the mayonnaise and sour cream to get about 150 grams of sauce.
  13. We season World Snack salad and send it to the refrigerator for several hours to insist.
  14. Put the finished salad in a beautiful salad bowl or on a flat dish with a slide.
  15. Garnish with a circle of boiled egg and flowers of cucumbers or tomatoes
  16. World Snack Salad is ready! Feel free to collect a complete guest house and treat.

The salad turns out to be tasty, tender and is an excellent appetizer. All guests will be pleasantly surprised by such a non-standard solution. I hope you enjoy the recipe! Cook with pleasure and treat your family with a wonderful salad. Enjoy your meal! And on the Very Delicious website there are many more cool recipes!

Photos and videos belong to Grandma Emma