Funky appetizer of zucchini fries with cheese in the oven

Simple dish

Funky appetizer of zucchini fries with cheese in the oven

For all zucchini lovers I recommend trying to cook a surprisingly simple, but very tasty dish - a simple and awesome appetizer of fried zucchini with cheese in the oven. Stunningly aromatic breading, which gives the zucchini a very appetizing look, awesome taste, is prepared in just a couple of minutes. And since we cook zucchini in the oven, they do not absorb excess oil, while remaining very tasty and retain much more vitamins. The process is so simple and fast that time will fly by very quickly. And soon you will be able to please yourself, relatives or guests with a delicious and original dish. As a result, no one will remain indifferent. Such a recipe must definitely take its place in your cookbook.


  • zucchini or zucchini (young) - 550 grams;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • BC wheat flour - sixty grams;
  • breadcrumbs - one hundred grams;
  • refined vegetable oil (I use olive in my recipe) - four tablespoons;
  • Parmesan cheese (Parmigiano Reggiano) - forty grams (but you can without it);
  • any favorite spices in breadcrumbs to your taste;

I prefer to use the following spice mix:

  • paprika (sweet) - one teaspoon;
  • Italian herbs (can be replaced with Provencal herbs) - one teaspoon;
  • dried garlic - one teaspoon (gives piquancy);
  • flakes of chili (pepper) - 0.25 teaspoon (give a good sharpness);
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon (or to your taste).

Funky appetizer of zucchini fries with cheese in the oven. Step by step recipe

  1. For our dish, young zucchini or young zucchini are best suited. They have a soft peel, there are no large seeds inside, and in finished form they simply melt in the mouth.
  2. Washing vegetables under the tap. Set aside on a plate and let drain water, dry slightly. Then transfer them to a cutting board. Cut each zucchini its ends. On one side, the stalk, on the other hand a rounded tip. Further zucchini need to be cut in half or in three parts. It all depends on their size. You should be guided by the fact that, on average, the length of a squash of french zucchini should be like your finger on your hand (for example, ring finger). But you can take a slightly larger one. On the taste it does not affect at all. After that, cut into small cubes. Each bar (straw) should be more or less the same thickness, again - focus, for example, on the thickness of your finger.
  3. Transfer all the sliced ​​zucchini or zucchini into a deep bowl and add salt, pepper to taste and vegetable oil. Oil, choose absolutely any that you have. Then mix everything well and set aside briefly. While the zucchini will stand, salt will help them become even softer. Then, in finished form, you will feel how tender and soft they are.
  4. Now it's time to turn on the oven so that it warms up to 220 degrees.
  5. We proceed to the preparation of breadcrumbs. The required amount of breadcrumbs is sent to a deep, dry bowl. Then it will be convenient for us to mix and mix them with different spices. We take the parmesan cheese, three it on a grater (preferably on a fine one, then it will be more evenly distributed in the breading). Add all the spices that are indicated in our ingredients (you can replace the offered spices with your favorite, most importantly - maintain a moderate proportion). This also applies to cheese, if you do not have it at home or just do not like it, you can not add it at all. Now mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Take another bowl (deep). We break one chicken egg and beat it with a whisk or a mixer (as you prefer).
  7. In a bowl of zucchini, it's time to add wheat flour (60 grams). Mix them well. Each slice of zucchini should be coated with flour as a result. Since zucchini was in oil and with salt, they are perfectly enveloped in flour. We put it for a couple of minutes to the side.
  8. We prepare a baking sheet, on which we will bake zucchini fries. To do this, cover it with parchment paper and grease it with oil. It can be the same as added to the zucchini.
  9. Now we place three bowls on the working surface: with zucchini, with egg and breading. We put a baking sheet a little to the side, so that it would be convenient for us to spread zucchini on it.
  10. Now we take a few bars of zucchini and dip them first in a beaten egg, then in breadcrumbs. Roll them well on all sides and use two forks to transfer them to a baking sheet. We spread it at a small distance from each other, in order to make it convenient to turn over to the other side during baking.
  11. We send in a preheated oven to the temperature we need to bake for 15-20 minutes. But after 7-9 minutes, take out the baking sheet and turn it over with the help of the forks (everything is very hot, be careful) .. We leave to bake them for the same amount of time (7-9 minutes) until the crust turns golden.
  12. In the meantime, while the zucchini fries are cooked in the oven, I recommend making funky sauce, which is excellent to serve with them. This sauce is homemade mayonnaise with fresh herbs. Greens, add absolutely any that you have: fresh parsley, dill or green stalks of young onions. You can take the mayonnaise recipe from our site “Very tasty”. There are recipes for classic mayonnaise, and without eggs in milk. Together with herbs, you can add a couple of cloves of garlic to the finished mayonnaise. Mix everything and your simple and quick homemade sauce is ready. Its taste is absolutely incomparable with the store.
  13. If you like lighter sauces, then low-fat sour cream with herbs is perfect.
  14. Finished and golden zucchini fries we take out of the oven. Carefully shift into a wide shallow dish and serve with the sauce on the table.

They are awesomely tasty both warm and cold. You will definitely like zucchini fries with cheese in the oven. And it is important that it is not at all difficult to cook them and not at all for a long time. Great solutions in a hurry. Always stay with us on our Very Delicious website, where you can find delicious recipes for snacks for every day and any occasion. Cook with love and good mood. Enjoy your meal! Videos and photos belong to Positive Kitchen.