Oven pies with cabbage

Simple dish

Oven pies with cabbage

A delicious and completely boring dish - pies with cabbage in the oven - I propose to cook for everyone who loves homemade cakes. I got this recipe from my grandmother: she baked them in the oven. I have a little improved the recipe for homemade cabbage pies with yeast dough, and I suggest you cook with me. It is necessary to remove the pies from the oven - and the house will be filled with the aroma of muffin, yeast dough and a delicate smell of juicy toppings.


For the test:

  • milk - 600 milliliters;
  • dry yeast - 15 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sugar — 2 tablespoons;
  • wheat flour - 7-8 glasses (1-1.2 kilograms);
  • salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • vegetable oil - 50 milliliters;
  • butter ghee - 50 milliliters;
  • salt - 0.3 teaspoon;

For filling:

  • cabbage - 0.5 fork (medium-sized forks weighs about 2 kilograms);
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • parsnip - 1 piece;
  • celery - 7-8 stems;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • parsley - half a bunch;
  • coriander - to taste;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • ground black pepper - 1 pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.

Oven pies with cabbage. Step by step recipe

  1. Pour warm milk into a large, deep bowl.
  2. Tip: The temperature of milk should be between 40 and 45 degrees - this is the most optimal temperature for activating yeast. At higher temperatures, the yeast will boil and die, and at temperatures below 40 degrees - they will rise for a very long time.
  3. We add eggs, dry yeast, both types of butter (butter and vegetable) to milk, moreover, butter must be pre-melted, salt and sugar.

Tip. Sugar should always be added to yeast dough, regardless of the type of filling. Even if you cook pies with meat, liver, potatoes. Firstly, sugar promotes yeast activation; secondly, thanks to sugar, a beautiful golden crust forms on baked cakes during baking; and thirdly, sugar complements the taste of yeast dough, making it more balanced.

  1. Yeast pastry for pies can be prepared both by hand and with the help of a food processor. If you cook by hand, you need to knead the contents of the bowl every time you introduce a new ingredient. And if you have a mechanized “assistant” in the kitchen, then we add and knead all the ingredients at once.
  2. Add the flour and mix well. When kneading homemade dough for pies, pour the flour gradually. We form a "bun" of yeast dough, cover with a towel and leave the dough in a warm place to stand, for an hour and a half. It should come up and increase in volume.
  3. In the meantime, prepare the filling for our pies with cabbage. To do this, grind all vegetables to the size that you like. We chop the cabbage, we rub the carrots and parsnips on a grater, celery, if it is a stem, and onions - cut into small cubes.
  4. All vegetables for filling in homemade pies are gradually fried in vegetable oil until soft.
  5. At the end of the preparation of the filling, add the tomato paste, season with salt and spices. If desired, add finely chopped greens to the cabbage filling.
  6. Leave the filling in a cool place until completely cooled.
  7. When the dough for pies is suitable, divide it into small cakes, which are rolled into a layer with a thickness of about 1 centimeter.
  8. In the middle of each pancake we put the filling and connect the edges, forming pies.
  9. We spread the pies with cabbage on a greased baking sheet. We cover it with cling film so that the pies “fit”. And leave for 10-15 minutes.
  10. We grease our pies with cabbage filling with a beaten egg and put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake pies about 25-30 minutes.
  11. Ready-made pies should be greased with butter - this will make them softer and tastier.

Tip. I recommend covering yeast dough products immediately after baking with a linen towel - then they will be soft and fluffy.

Our homemade cabbage yeast pies are ready! If you want to cook such pies during Lent, then milk must be replaced with water, and butter should be excluded from the recipe altogether. On our site “I love to cook,” we will reveal many more secrets to you how to diversify the diet during Lent with everyday food.