Peking cabbage salad with chicken

Simple dish

Salad with Beijing cabbage and chicken, corn

The salad with Beijing cabbage, chicken and corn is extremely interesting in its composition and taste. He owes his appearance to the culinary competition for the best appetizer salad, announced by the international club TUCC. The classic recipe has firmly entered the menu of many restaurants throughout Europe.

A trio of ideal companions - hearty chicken, spicy cabbage and fragrant sweet corn - create a unique bouquet. Seasoned with olive oil and spices, this salad will win the hearts of your loved ones and relatives.


  • Fresh Peking cabbage - head of cabbage;
  • chicken meat - 500 grams;
  • Cherry tomatoes - a pair of twigs or 250 g;
  • cucumber;
  • half a can of corn;
  • greenery;
  • spice;
  • olive oil;
  • bulb.

Salad with Beijing cabbage, chicken and corn. Step by step recipe

  1. Cabbage is washed under running water, chopped into equal longitudinal slices.
  2. The meat is cooked according to the standard principle of heat treatment. In the broth, you can add sheets of laurel and peas. This will enhance the flavor of chicken. At the end of cooking, it is taken out and cut into small pieces.
  3. "Cherry" is removed from the twigs, washed and cut into cubes or in four parts.
  4. Cucumbers and onions are cut into equal pieces. Mix with tomatoes, meat and cabbage.
  5. The whole mass is seasoned with oil, half a can of corn is put in. Pour spices.

Before serving, the salad is decorated with greens.

Having a little imagination, you can transform such a salad to a complete author's recipe. The combination of this recipe with chicken boiled eggs or Feta sour cheese looks interesting enough. One of the unusual decisions is to add rye bread croutons, which can give the salad a pleasant crunch. "I love to cook" wishes you bon appetit! And be sure to try the salad with chicken, Beijing cabbage and tomatoes and the salad with Beijing cabbage, chicken and pineapple.