Pizza dough with honey

Simple dish

Pizza dough with honey

Dear friends, along with “I love to cook” I want to tell you how you can cook a gentle and extremely tasty dough with honey for pizza. Yeast dough is prepared very quickly and simply. Honey gives the dough an incredibly delicious taste that simply cannot be described in words. Do not believe? Try to make pizza dough according to this recipe at least once - and I’m sure that you will never want to cook the dough in other ways. And how to make the best dough - I'll tell you now. Let's see what we need for this.


  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • wheat flour - 3 cups;
  • dry yeast - 1 sachet;
  • one teaspoon of honey;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • one glass of water.

Yeast dough with honey for pizza. Step by step recipe

  1. Initially, we need to take three glasses of flour without a slide (I have a glass of 250 milliliters) and be sure to sift it. As I probably already mentioned in my recipes, your final result, the dough, depends on what kind of flour you use.
  2. Next, we need one glass of water (I have a glass of 250 milliliters). Water for the test should be warm, almost hot.
  3. Take a little water (pour about ¼ part from a glass), add honey and mix.
  4. A bag of dry yeast (one bag of dry yeast is 7 grams) is added to the honey solution to activate them - this indicates that the process of raising the dough will go very quickly. Leave the yeast mixture to stand for a while (about 10-15 minutes) so that the yeast is saturated with water and easier to pass into the solution.
  5. In the remaining water, dilute one teaspoon of salt (I take a spoon of salt without a slide).
  6. Pour yeast and salt solution into a bowl with sifted flour, add a tablespoon of olive oil (unrefined olive oil has a pleasant, natural bitterness, which is then passed to the dough and makes the taste of pizza more interesting and richer).
  7. Knead the dough (see: the flour is very different, maybe dry flour will remain during the kneading, then you will need some more water). Knead the dough to a smooth, uniform state (it takes me about 5 minutes). Yeast pizza dough should be tight and not sticky.
  8. Lubricate the bowl a little with olive oil, put the dough in a bowl, cover with a damp (but not wet) towel and put in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  9. After 30 minutes, knead the dough and put in heat. It should still stand at least 10 minutes and rise a little.
  10. Divide the finished yeast dough into four parts (as a result, you get 4 pizzas with a diameter of about 24 centimeters), round each part of the dough (make a ball of dough) and cover with a damp towel for 15 minutes.
  11. It is good to roll one piece of dough with a rolling pin into a thin layer, transfer to parchment paper, slightly grease the pizza base with olive oil, tomato sauce, spread the onion, bacon, mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, olives, grated parmesan cheese.
  12. Place pizza with parchment paper on a hot baking sheet and send the baking sheet to the oven preheated to 230-250 degrees for 5-10 minutes.

Pizza yeast dough is tender, light and airy, as if alive.

Pizza toppings can be made differently - which your soul desires.

I share the most delicious recipe for making yeast dough for pizza with dry yeast on the portal “I like to cook” and wish you a pleasant appetite! And we will tell you how to cook super thin and delicious Italian pizza dough and tell you how to choose the right pizza cheese.