Salted the most delicious instant crispy cucumbers

Simple dish

Salted the most delicious instant crispy cucumbers

Cucumbers according to this recipe are very tasty, their taste is a cross between light-salted cucumbers and pickled ones. They are crispy, strong and juicy! Salted cucumbers are prepared on the principle of 4 times by 2. Now you will see!


  • In a 2 liter jar:
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons.
  • You can put a bunch of dill, garlic, currant and cherry leaves, a slice of hot pepper, a bay leaf or something else your heart desires at the bottom of the can.


  1. Put greens and garlic at the bottom of the jar, then cucumbers (wash them well beforehand and cut off their buttocks), put greens in the middle with garlic, and then cucumbers again.
  2. Pour salt, sugar and vinegar directly into the jar, pour boiling water from the kettle, cover with a plastic cover, shake well so that all the salt and sugar dissolve in water.
  3. Allow the jar to cool and refrigerate.

The next day you can already eat crispy salted cucumbers! What a yummy thing!

Delicious to you preparations, and bon appetit!